Back when I started CrossFitting many years ago, I was making a ton of progress on my lifts, PRing my WODs and I even learned double unders and butterfly pullups pretty quickly.
But for some reason I couldn't figure out how to get a muscle up.
I knew I was strong enough (I could do 20-30 pullups unbroken), but for some reason I couldn't grasp the concept of the muscle up.
I'd try and try but at the end of the day I'd end up pissed off and defeated.
I'm not proud to admit it, but it wasn't until after 6 months of trying to get a muscle up that I was finally successful.
6 Months! (that's me doing muscle ups to the left.)
And the only reason I finally got my first muscle up was because I stumbled upon a few tricks that I didn't even know about (that I share in this program).